Top 25 flowers to plant for spring

Tulips in a field in Holland
Top 25 plants for spring - what will you plant? Credit: Alamy

Spring is the season that many gardeners look forward to the most, especially if it follows a long cold, dark winter. The official first day falls around March 20 or 21, otherwise known as the March equinox. At this time, in Britain at least, deciduous trees will still be bare or only just showing signs of life. Some early bulbs will have been flowering already, such as snowdrops, crocus, chionodoxa. 

Spring is a great opportunity to enjoy colour in areas of the garden that are dominated later in the year by shrubs and trees -  before the tree canopy closes up,  higher light and moisture levels at ground level mean that woodlanders and ground cover plants can come to the fore and flower.

Here, expert Val Bourne has chosen a range of spring-flowering plants for different situations around the garden that will take you through from March to June.

Top 25 spring plants

1 Lungwort 'Diana Clare' (Pulmonaria) Long, silvered leaves with an apple-green cast flatter deep violet flowers, making this pulmonaria perhaps the best of all. Part shade (30cm/2ft).

2 Bishop's hat 'Sulphureum' (Epimedium x versicolor) Graceful wiry stems with two-tone yellow flowers above heart-shaped, shiny green leaves. A toughie. Part shade (30cm/2ft).

Wallflower 'Bowles's Mauve' (Erysimum) In flower from spring until late autumn, this bushy wallflower produces sprays of purple flowers above grey-green foliage. Sun and good drainage (75cm/2.5ft).

4 Alpine wood fern (Dryopteris wallichiana)  Black bristly hairs contrast against bright green fronds when this handsome upright fern unfurls its croziers in late April. Good soil, shade (1.2 m/4ft).

Tufted pansy 'Alba' (Viola cornuta)  A cushion of watercress-green foliage topped by wispy pansy flowers from May. Superb under roses. Shade (22cm/9in).

Wallflower 'Bowles's Mauve' (left); Tufted pansy 'Alba' (right)

6 Eastern cyclamen (Cyclamen coum) Jaunty swept-back flower with a magenta nose. Grow in full sun or under trees and allow to self-seed. Good drainage (10cm/4in).

7 Downy clematis (Clematis macropetala) Let it scramble over a wall and, given time, it produces ragged, soft-petalled flowers with cool green middles. Good drainage (3m/10ft).

8 Arrowwood 'Park Farm Hybrid' (Viburnum x burkwoodii) Early spicy, sweet fragrance as deep pink buds open to apple-white flowers that show up well against the shiny green leaves. Easy (3m/10ft).

9 'Blue Pearl' (Crocus chrysanthus) For early spring sparkle, this delicate silver-blue crocus shimmers in spring sunshine and complements yellows, oranges and purples. Full sun (7cm/3in).

10 Daffodil 'Jetfire' (Narcissus) This vivid yellow-petalled cyclamineus hybrid develops a bright orange trumpet, so it makes a great impact. Easy anywhere (24cm/9in).

11 'Ice Wings' (Narcissus) White narcissi flower later than yellows and are often scented. This double-headed, ivory-white triandrus hybrid is superb with blue muscari. Easy (30cm/1ft).

12 'Pickwick' (Crocus vernus)  Capable of pushing through the lawn, this large-flowered crocus has lilac petals finely feathered in purple. Full sun (12cm/5in).

Daffodil 'Jetfire' (Left); Siberian squill 'Spring Beauty' (right) Credit: Getty

13 Gold-edged winter daphne 'Aureomarginata' (Daphne odora) Easy daphne with lily-scented pink flowers and yellow-rimmed green leaves. Wide rather than tall. Warm shelter (2m/7ft).

14 Siberian bugloss 'Jack Frost' (Brunnera macrophylla) Heart-shaped silvered leaves dramatically edged and veined in green, finished off with dainty blue flowers. Good soil, part shade (50cm/20in).

15 Tulip 'Spring Green'  This colour-washed green and white tulip softens deep shade and mixes brilliantly with green foliage. Shade (30cm/12in).

16 Spurge (Euphorbia polychroma) A mound of acid yellow flowers throughout spring. Brightens up a dark corner or shows off vibrant tulips. Easy anywhere (38cm/15in).

Spurge Credit: Andrew Lawson

17 Siberian squill 'Spring Beauty' (Scilla siberica) Easy, deep blue, diminutive bulb to drift through paler spring bulbs, whether miniature narcissi or erythroniums. Semi-shade (15cm/6in).

18 Wood anemone 'Vestal' (Anemone nemorosa) This pristine white anemone has a neat, double centre and long-lasting flowers that spread. Woodland shade (15cm/6in).

19 Bleeding heart 'Bacchanal' Delicate, apple-green ferny foliage topped by claret-red bleeding hearts on long stems. More persistent than many. Part shade (30cm/1ft).

20 Dog's tooth violet 'Pagoda' (Erythronium)  Pallid, yellow Tiffany lamps and mottled foliage make this a woodland essential. Divide after flowering to encourage more. Leaf-litter, humus-rich soil (50cm/20in).

21 Magnolia 'Leonard Messel' (Magnolia x loebneri)  The slender, rose-pink petals splay outwards to form a star. Frost resistant, but site away from morning sun. Moist soil (5m/16ft).

Magnolia 'Leonard Messel' Credit: Andrew Lawson

22 'Grandiceps' (Polystichum setiferum These elaborate polystichums look almost mossy in spring and this form has upright crested fronds. Shade but not too dry (38cm/15in).

23 Spurge 'Dixter' (Euphorbia griffithii) Asparagus-like spears develop into warm orange heads, even in deep shade, and the stems and leaf veins share the same tone. Good soil (90cm/3ft).

24 Intermediate periwinkle (Vinca difformis) Wide-eyed, white periwinkle flowers with a hint of steel-blue, for early ground cover in an awkward spot. Accommodating (60cm/2ft).

25 Grape hyacinth 'Valerie Finnis' (Muscari armeniacum) A baby-blue grape hyacinth with cool green overtones. Densely packed flowers on short stalks. Easy anywhere (20cm/8in).

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