Weeds – the plants that gardeners love and farmers loathe

The farmer’s pest and the gardener’s hardy annual are often one and the same – but there’s a good argument for growing your own weeds

Fumaria officinalis - common fumitory
Fumaria officinalis - common fumitory Credit: gapphotos.com

There’s a fine line between hardy annuals and weeds. In fact, many of our favourite hardy annuals used to be troublesome arable weeds, before modern intensive agriculture rendered them rare or even extinct, at least as wild plants. Think of cornflower, corn marigold and corn cockle. A handful, such as common field poppy, wild pansy and mayweed, still live a kind of Jekyll-and-Hyde existence, both grown in gardens and still causing trouble as genuine weeds of cereal fields.

It’s easy to see why we continue to grow some of the arable weeds that kept our farmer ancestors awake at night; they’re attractive. But attractiveness isn’t a binary, either/or characteristic, and also depends a lot on the eye of the beholder. Even if everyone agrees about the extremes, so that poppies and corn cockle are pretty and goosegrass, knotgrass and black bindweed aren’t, that still leaves a substantial grey area in the middle.

Personally I’ve always felt sorry for scarlet pimpernel, for example – it’s very pretty, and its only real crime is that its flowers are small. If they were only a bit bigger, more like scarlet flax, say, we’d all be queuing up to grow it. Maybe the plant breeders will turn their attention to it one day and produce a large-flowered variety.

All of which made me wonder: are there other arable weeds that deserve more than being persecuted by farmers? Black nightshade, say, or common vetch? The former’s flowers are also a bit small, I suppose, but it’s really not much different from the climbing potato vine (Solanum crispum) that many of us grow. Maybe common vetch just doesn’t have enough impact, even though its individual two-tone, purple-pink flowers are very pretty. Just as with scarlet pimpernel, you can imagine the plant breeders making something of both of them.

But my personal favourite for the award of “best overlooked arable weed” is common fumitory (Fumaria officinalis). Again, its individual flowers are small, but they’re very beautiful, basically pink but shading to a kind of crimson-maroon at the tips. They also have the advantage of coming in dense spikes, greatly improving their visual impact.

Fumitory also has attractive foliage, finely divided and a blue-grey colour, causing one 17th-century herbalist to maintain that “because being of a whitish blew colour, as smoak is, it appeareth to those that behold it at a distance, as if the ground were all of a smoak”. A rival theory is that the name derives “from the belief that it was produced without seed from vapours rising from the earth”. In fact its English and Latin names come from fumus terrae (smoke of the earth), and the whole plant does have a rather “smoky” appearance.

And unlike my other candidates, I think fumitory is already quite lovely as it is, and needs no attention from the plant breeders. Since it’s still considered (and indeed, still is) a weed, you’ll have trouble buying seeds, but there shouldn’t be any need. Fumitory is quite common in hedgerows and waste ground and produces plenty of seed, so it’s simple enough to collect your own. And once established, it should self-seed quite happily – like the good weed it is.

Chaucer didn’t like fumitory at all, and asserted that “where it flourishes abundantly betokens idleness and neglect on the part of the husbandman”, but I wouldn’t let that put you off.

  • Ken Thompson is a plant biologist with an interest in the science of gardening. His most recent book is a second collection of Telegraph columns, Notes From a Sceptical Gardener. Visit books.telegraph.co.uk.