How to use your brain chemicals to boost your happiness

Do you know your oxytocin from your dopamine, and your prefrontal areas from your hedonic hotspots?

Chemicals known as opioids and cannabinoids are released when we do something enjoyable, producing the feeling of pleasure
Chemicals known as opioids and cannabinoids are released when we do something enjoyable, producing the feeling of pleasure

Happiness is something we all strive for but at times – especially after the year we’ve had – it can seem elusive. Partly, this is because happiness looks different for everyone; whether you feel it or not is subjective.

Despite this, scientists are starting to unpick the science of happiness. Pleasure, for example, seems to be controlled by tiny brain areas called “hedonic hotspots”. Chemicals known as opioids and cannabinoids (which are related to the drugs) are released here when we do something enjoyable, producing the feeling of pleasure.

But happiness isn’t just about pleasure – it is far more complicated than that and involves a huge number of brain chemicals. Which is why I’ve selected four science-backed tips that are key in living a happy life.

1. Connect with others

Humans are social animals; we crave connection with other people. When we are with someone we care about, our bodies release a chemical called oxytocin which counteracts some of the negative impacts of stress, making us feel relaxed and happy.

Oxytocin is also released when pressure is applied to our skin, so you can boost levels with something as simple as a hug or a massage. If you aren’t able to interact with another person, there are still ways to tap into this system. Stroking a pet, for example, has a similar effect and has been shown to reduce stress. Some experts also believe that giving yourself a hand or head massage, or using a weighted blanket, might provide some of the same benefits without the need for another person.  

2. Set yourself goals

Feeling satisfaction and purpose in your life is important for happiness. We can get this by setting ourselves achievable goals and reaching them. Dopamine is released in the brain’s nucleus accumbens when we are motivated to pursue something, helping drive us towards it. When you reach that goal, a burst of pleasure chemicals gives the sense of achievement.

You can get this system working for you in lots of ways. Perhaps you can break down a big task at work into smaller, more manageable goals. Or maybe set yourself a challenge: begin running, increasing your distance every week; learn a foreign language; tackle cleaning out the junk drawer. Whatever it is, set a goal you know you can reach and enjoy the brain chemicals pursuing and achieving your goal produces.

3. Get more sleep

When we are tired, the connections between prefrontal areas of the brain (behind your eyes) and emotional areas don’t work as well. Normally, prefrontal areas regulate your emotions so with connections weakened your feelings can run away with you, causing tearfulness or irritability. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation makes you see the world more negatively and feel less happy.

Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep a night but getting that can be hard. It can help to get bright light in the mornings, to set your body clock and to avoid it late at night. This helps your body release melatonin at the right time, meaning you feel sleepy at night.

Other tips include not eating too late and ensuring your bedroom is dark, cool and quiet. Limiting caffeine is also helpful because it blocks a chemical in the brain that quantifies how long you have been awake; too much too late can cause problems.

4. Take steps to reduce stress in your life

When we are stressed or afraid, a cocktail of chemicals is released in our brains and bodies, including adrenaline and cortisol. In the short term this is helpful, preparing us to fight or run from the threat, but if released persistently these chemicals can start harming our health and happiness.

There are plenty of stress-management techniques so it’s about finding one that works for you. Practices like meditation, yoga and tai chi often involve controlled deep breathing which may help calm the stress response, reducing heart rate and cortisol levels. Long-term meditators also become better at emotional regulation and self-compassion, which has been linked to happiness.

Practicing gratitude, by keeping a journal or counting your blessings, can also benefit health and mood. But practising is key; it takes time to teach your brain to focus on the positives and become more resilient to stress.

For many, exercise is another stress-buster and a happiness booster. We don’t know exactly why this is, but it changes the levels of many brain chemicals, including serotonin and dopamine, which may contribute to its mood-boosting effects. Endorphins may also be involved although, despite the idea being widespread, there is little evidence for it. 

These tips won’t work for everyone and they aren’t a “fix” for mental health problems so, if you are struggling with symptoms of anxiety or depression and it is affecting your day-to-day life, it’s important to seek help from a medical professional. But for many of us, following them might just help us live happier lives and it’s all thanks to our brain chemicals.


Overloaded: How Every Aspect of Your Life is Influenced by Your Brain Chemicals by Ginny Smith (Bloomsbury Sigma) is available at and all good bookshops.